Exhibitions + Events
+ Minus
July – September 2023
An exciting exhibition that showcased current work by the gallery artists and featured
pieces from associate artists new to
ark. contemporary.
Gallery Raffle 2022
December 2022
Held on 17 December, the 2022
ark. contemporary Gallery Raffle draw was an exciting evening, bringing together visitors, locals, artists, art enthusiasts and collectors seeking a thrilling opportunity to acquire exceptional artwork for the price of a raffle ticket.
April 2022 – May 2022
ark. contemporary hosted the first Free State Art Collective (FSAC) art exhibition following the Covid lockdown.
36 artists from across the province participated. The exhibition was curated by Karen Brusch.
This word equilibrium is embedded and imbued with deep, layered meaning and scholars in the fields of mathematics, physics, science and psychology have been unravelling its mystery for centuries. Nature’s fine balance is teetering on the edge of collapse.
Our universal psyche is bombarded with the politics of derision and division, with small hope of finding common ground. And on a personal level, the state of equilibrium is elusive and one is ever attempting to attain it.
In the words of writer, photographer and conservationist
Kevin Kelly, “Equilibrium is dead”. Or is it? Is it not merely a dynamic
interplay between states of illusion and reality?