Stella Olivier

Artist’s statement

As a photographer, I am primarily interested in capturing evidence of stories, as they happen in real time, and seconds later, become historic. These stories, or events, can be an unfolding of a narrative that is of little interest to the world, and more closely related to a specific individual in their quest for meaning. It can also be stories that carry a deeper significance to the world, of individuals that are influential in changing the direction of mankind or specific area of life. 

Within every story, there are layers that are visible, and invisible. I am always aiming to capture both. 

Within my drawings, I play around with a theme similar to my photography. I use different images, of which  are my own photographs, combined with vintage black and white photographs. I create evidence of stories that never existed, often on silent landscapes, whom have witnessed multiple moments in history. 

Put together in a collection, the drawings present a narrative that visibly speaks of my personal subliminal journey.

Selected works

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Debate, 2022
Charcoal and Ink
38cm x 27.5cm

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Guidance, 2022
Charcoal and Ink
38cm x 27.5cm

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Split, 2022
Charcoal and Ink
55cm x 75cm

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Reach, 2022
Charcoal and Ink
75cm x 55cm

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Free, 2021
Charcoal and Ink
38cm x 275cm

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Entrada, 2021
Charcoal and Ink
45.5cm x 37cm

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