Associate Artists
These artists form part of the broader spectrum of creative talents that the gallery welcomes into its collections. This expansion reflects a diverse approach to curating and showcasing art at ark. contemporary
Lisa Aarons Platt
Lisa Aarons Platt’s current project centers around Rosendal, focussed on both fabricated and natural landscapes. Her art blends digitally crafted components with original photographs, weaving intricate patterns and textures into ethereal overlays to create a mystical, dreamlike quality. Her limited-edition digital prints are rendered on Fabriano fine art paper.
Eric Duplan
Eric Duplan, a French-born artist who spent his childhood in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo before moving to South Africa, is a self-taught artist based in Pretoria. His work predominantly explores topographical and architectural elements, reinvented through symbols and figures.
Heidi Fourie
Heidi holds a B.A. in Fine Arts and draws inspiration from organic processes and nature. While her chosen medium is paint, her work occasionally exhibits subtle sculptural characteristics and provides an ongoing exploration of the medium to create unique pieces.
Kay Fourie
Printmaking is Kay’s medium of choice, especially reduction Lino, a technique whereby only one tile is used, its surface cut away in stages. The image is created by carving, inking, and printing the tile onto the paper throughout these stages, so that layers of ink are overprinted, light to dark. A print comprises several carved layers and many colors, the different colors and tonal values interact with one another to build up the image.
Dylan Graham
Dylan Graham, a full-time artist and accomplished musician, infuses his work with nostalgia and possibility. His pieces often pay homage to classics in the art world, while maintaining an undercurrent of mystery.
Diek Grobler
Diek Grobler, a Pretoria-based artist, specializes in performance art, computer-aided 2D animations, and stop-motion animations. He works across a range of media, from ceramic sculpting to oil paintings to scraperboard drawings.
Cobus Haupt
Cobus Haupt, a Pretoria-based artist renowned for his bronze sculptures, draws inspiration from history and tradition, particularly centered around the human form. Imperfections inherent to the bronze casting process serve as reminders of humanity’s inherent flaws.
Nicky Liebenberg
Nicky works in various mediums, particularly graphic media. Her subject matter is strongly correspondent to her personal spiritual journey, and her themes are used metaphorically to depict spiritual realities. Layering and mixed media is a common thread through her work, each layer becoming another voice or language.
Michael Meyersfeld
Michael is a professional photographer with extensive experience spanning advertising to fine art photography. His work is notable for its stark, sometimes sombre, lonely and edgy imagery that has separateness from reality. His more recent work involves the staging of people in structured scenes portraying mans’ emotional and behavioural patterns.
Michèle Nigrini
Michèle attracted nationwide interest in 1994 when the Rupert Art Foundation bought all of the available work on her first Solo Exhibition, including her Master’s degree installation ‘Kleursimfonie’, an extraordinary piece consisting of 300 A4 sized paintings. The installation is currently in the permanent collection of the Rupert Museum in Stellenbosch and is exhibited every few years. This once in a lifetime event launched her illustrious career as a professional artist.
Malose Pete
Malose – a sculptor, artist, painter and lecturer – completed his B-Tech Degree in Painting and Sculpture at Tshwane University of Technology. He draws his inspiration from the diverse cultural history of our country with a strong focal point on cultural identity issues and the concept of belonging.
Sarel Petrus
Sarel is a skilled sculptor who explores his relationship with the natural world through bronze and wood. The memories collected in inanimate found objects allow his mind to journey, into the distances of forgotten secret pasts and imaginable future impressions.
Andre Rose
Andre Rose, a health activist, doubles as a skilled wordsmith, photographer and painter. His work delves into the impact of urbanism on human lives. His photographs capture ordinary people in their everyday environments and their interaction with the spaces around them.
Johan Stegman
Johan Stegmann is an artist known for his skill in charcoal drawing and etching. Each of his pieces carries a unique twist, often featuring a playful take on specific historical events. His art is marked by paradox and contradiction, challenging viewers to consider alternative perspectives.
Magda van der Vloed
Magda is a Rosendal based, multifaceted artist. She has experimented with an array of ceramic production methods, and her strength as a ceramist lies in the vast knowledge she has gathered over the years. Although clay is her first love, she has expanded her artistic arsenal to include everything from telephone wire and recycled rubber to fish scales and wood carvings..